Welcome to the schlo web page, where you can find information all about schlo, play games and look at some awesome art. Check out the About tab to get started if you're new. Enjoy!
What's New
Second site update! schlo complications 2/4 is now live!
I changed the schlo complications page, so it is no longer a page for the first part, but
a landing page that will redirect to different pages for different parts of the game. In other words, there is now a schlo complications 1/4
page as well.
First site update since launch! New project page available: schlo complications. Updated the About page, as well.
Major site launch! Everything on this website is new.
Some Stuff
I'm not sure what to put on the home page yet, because all of the content is on its own page. I selected some of my best artwork to put below. Enjoy!